Kennedy Janto Portfolio

Computer Science student skilled in Python, Data Science, and Game Development @Kennedy Janto

and Accomplishments

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona


  • Major: Computer Science
  • GPA: 3.94
  • Entered in August 2020
  • Expected graduation December 2023

Courses Taken:

  • Data Strucutre and Advanced Programming
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Systems Programming
  • C++ Programming
  • Python for Programmers
  • Computer Networks
  • Numerical Methods and Computing


  • Dean's List all semesters
  • President's List all years



Officer of Video Game Development Club

I was an officer of Cal Poly Pomona's Video Game Development Club. I had the role of video editor where I recorded and edited every weeks meeting or workshops. I uploaded these videos to the club's youtube channel for members to watch. As an officer, I had to attend weekly board meetings with the president to discuss and plan for the clubs organization.

Team lead of Video Game Development Club

Led a team of 6 programmers to develop a 2D platformer video game over the course of a semester. Organized weekly meetings to manage tasks to be completed. Presented final product to the club at the end of the semester.